
Dose rate mapping measurement at the KFKI Campus using the DoziMobile unit

2021-02-19T20:34:38+02:00October 2nd, 2020|

In the frame of the DoziNet project it was demonstrated that the radiation detector system developed by the Space Research Laboratory for sounding rocket experiments could be combined with the communication units and protocol used and developed by the Nanosensors Department for self-organizing scalable networks and that the combined system could be integrated into the network of Geiger–Müller (GM) probes installed and operated by the Environmental Protection Service at the KFKI Campus. The prototype of the DoziNet/DoziMobile instrument was manufactured. Operation of the DoziMobile was demonstrated in an environmental dose rate measurement at the KFKI Campus. [...]

S. Soleimani et al: Optimization of co‑sputtered CrxAl1−xN thin films for piezoelectric MEMS devices

2020-07-14T15:45:03+02:00July 14th, 2020|

April 28 2020: S. Soleimani et al: Optimization of co‑sputtered CrxAl1−xN thin films for piezoelectric MEMS devices published in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 0957-4522 1573-482X View on: MTMT: 31308883 | DOI: 10.1007/s10854-020-03260-7 | REAL: 108669 | WoS: 000529837900002 | Scopus: 85083968123

Munkahelyi vita – Radó János

2020-02-29T20:33:57+02:00February 27th, 2020|

Március 12-én 10 órakor tartjuk Radó János ÓE Anyagtudományok és Technológiák Doktori Iskola doktorjelöltjének "Mikro- és nanoerőmérő szerkezetek" című dolgozatának munkahelyi vitáját a KFKI telephely 26-os épületének tanácstermében. Disszertáció Tézisfüzet Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!

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